Building Code Clarified

Tag: doors

Panic or Fire Hardware 21-0

Panic or fire hardware, panic hardware at exit doors and/or out of other spaces is what this video covers. Panic hardware is used more times than it is required. It’s probably only required about half the time that I see it used. Only required in H occupancies or A or E spaces or occupancies, Where those occupancies are over 50 persons.

Door Closer 20-0

Automatic door closing device,Door closer, where there required. Any room or space that requires a rating or at one time required a rating and the sprinkler exemption was taken to not have to rate that room. Door closer is still required for that space. Healthcare, since that is my design background, places more door closers than are required by either code in order to help facilitate the facilities of actuation plan.

Door Encroachment 18-0

The distance a door is allowed to encroach into a hallway/corridor/exit way or path of travel out of the building. If a door opens on to a required exit width this video talks to how much it’s allowed to encroach. 7 inches is the max when the door is in its fully open position that it’s allowed to encroach. Otherwise if the door opens 180° the radius in which it opens that radius cannot encroach more than one half during that swing.

Door Locations 15-0

I will be updating this video soon, It was just pointed out to me that I say and show “1/2 divided by D” it should be “1/2 * D”  for your trying to get 1/2 the distance of D for a not sprinkled building. for a sprinkled it would be 1/3.  I will get this corrected soon.  This video is on where doors you be located in a room where the occupied requires more than one door. Most occupancies that threshold is 49 people. Once that threshold is met two doors are required and a shout be remotely located from each other. Storage occupancies the threshold is 29, institutional occupancies most are around 10, hazard three people require you to have more than one door but with hazard on doors shall swing in the direction of travel.