Building Code Clarified

Tag: door Width

Door Encroachment 18-0

The distance a door is allowed to encroach into a hallway/corridor/exit way or path of travel out of the building. If a door opens on to a required exit width this video talks to how much it’s allowed to encroach. 7 inches is the max when the door is in its fully open position that it’s allowed to encroach. Otherwise if the door opens 180° the radius in which it opens that radius cannot encroach more than one half during that swing.

Exit inches for doors & stairs 7-0

This video focus on calculating exit inches required for doors and stairs. How they differ and how/why they are important to calculate.

I have taught myself something by producing this video. Never could figure out/remember was it .2 or .3 door or .2 or .3 for a stair. While putting this together I realized you come to a door before you come to stair. You come to .2 before you come to .3. —– .2 is for doors .3 is for stairs. I now no longer have to look this up every single time.