Building Code Clarified

Tag: Dead End

Deadend & Common Path of Travel 30-0

Deadend and Common Path of Travel can be confusing. Hope this video can help with some of its understanding. Most of the time we have a choice of two ways to get out of a SPACE, and that is your common path of travel. From the most remote point in the building or space to a decision point to go to exit “A” or exit “B” to get out of the space, that is your decision point/common path of travel.

Understand that “commen path of travel” is not appiclible to hospitals. Hospitals have “suites” and “intervening rooms” other video cover those topics


Suites 27-0

This video is covering suites in both IBC and N both before the year 2012 code. In the 2012 code, the requirements change. Sense CMS is still under NFPA 2000 and a lot of jurisdictions have not adopted the 2012 building code, this video covers everything before 2012. Because we are required to follow the stringent of the codes, and this video covers that. The next video will cover you are able to apply all the requirements from 2012 in both codes..