How many people can fit in a spaceBuilding code understanding/calculation of how to determine how many people allowed to sit. Which then drives how many doors, how big the doors can be. Upcoming videos will cover your location and/or size
Smoke Compartments, Travel distance
Travel distance to smoke compartment 5-0
by Marty •
Travel distance to smoke compartment, is an additional requirement on top of travel distance to an exit. Even standing close to an exit door we still must reach a smoke compartment wall within 200 feet. This requirement is in both IBC and NFPA
Fire Protection, Travel distance
Standpipe locations 4-0
by Marty •
Standpipe’s, should be located within 200 feet of each other. This is easy to achieve mentally and I-2 occupancy, healthcare since travel distance to annex it is also 200 feet and most panpipes are located inside of stairwells. In be occupancy or travel distance is 300 feet to an exit, additional standpipe’s may be required are required so that the standpipe could be reached within 200 feet
Exiting, Exiting, Smoke Compartments, Stairs, Travel path
Smoke compartment exiting 3-0
by Marty •
Exiting out of smoke compartment, if commonly misunderstood. You have to have both exits going directly to the outside, going to two different smoke compartments or a combination thereof.
ARE, Exiting, Exiting, Smoke Compartments, Travel distance
Travel distance to an exit 2-0
by Marty •
Travel distance to an exit, this is dealing with namely travel distance to an exit in healthcare and dealing with smoke compartments.
Exiting, Smoke Compartments, Travel distance
Smoke compartment size 1-0
by Marty •
smoke compartment size, There are several important considerations that need to be thought about. It is not just 22,500sf