Building Code Clarified

Category: Smoke Compartments


Smoke Compartment Travel 32-0

Smoke compartments similar to exits, have there own travel distance requirements. Not only in healthcare do we have to travel to exit it we also have a requirement to travel to a smoke compartment door/wall. Even if for standing at the exit door we can see daylight, we still have to be able to travel lesson 200 feet to a smoke compartment door without having to go outside.

Smoke Compartments what are they 31-0

Smoker Compartments are unique to Healthcare, Penitentiary. It allows the facility to defend in place i.e. not evacuate the building it also helps protect those people incapable of self preservation. Healthcare patients and persons in prison, incarcerated cannot evacuate on their own nor do we actually want them to. As for prisoners we do not want to release them into the public. As for healthcare we want to be able to keep our loved ones on emergency power i.e. the ventilator in a protected environment and/or medical gases to help keep them alive. These items are not available outside therefore we want to evacuate them i.e. move them to another part of the building another smoke compartment